Links and Citations

This page holds a few citations and links. This is part of the Historical Materialism web site.


World History Archives
This is a web site that holds some 15,000 documents of world history. The aim was to be non-Eurocentric and to reflect a working-class perspective.
The U.S.S. Irex (SS-482)
A web site in memory of one of the old diesel submarines. Here are a history, a photo album, and sea stories. One can even find photos of me in other days.
The Hartford Black History Project
This links to the web page of a project now defunct, and it includes an on-line exhibit of images and texts for the history of the Black community in Hartford from 1638 until after the Civil War.
The Jatibonicù Taino Tribal Band of New Jersey
This is one of a set of web sites that support the Tekesta and Timucua of Florida and the Taino of Boriken, and it is in honor of Cacique Don Pedro Guanikeyu Torres.


Miscellaneous diatribes

Contribution to a discussion of the Principle of Uniformity (30 Nov 2010)
The discussion on the philpapers website was about whether Kant and Popper viewed existential or metaphysical statements to be principles of uniformity as a basis of cosmic coherence.

Reading group contributions (2009)